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IRA e-Bulletin Editorial Board
Banwari Sharma
Sapan Pandya Vinod Chandran
Vineeta Shobha C Balakrishnan

From the Editor's Desk
Dear All,

Wish you a Happy New Year.

The highlight of this issue is the study by Suliman YA et al. published in the December issue of Arthritis and Rheumatology. The authors have investigated the performance of pulmonary function tests (PFTs) versus high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) of the chest for the detection of SSc-related ILD in clinical practice. They found that 62.5% of patients had significant ILD on HRCT despite a normal FVC value, showing a high false-negative rate on pulmonary function tests. Such patients also more frequently had anti-Scl-70 antibodies and were more likely to have diffuse SSc. The authors concluded that all patients of diffuse SSc with suspected ILD should undergo a screening HRCT.

Professor VR Joshi has offered his tips on research in rheumatology to all young IRA members in our country in the expert opinion section. There is also a new column entitled ‘Perspective’, where a real life memorable anecdote involving a patient can be shared. We welcome all members to share at least one such positive experience.

Suggestions are welcome to improve this IRA activity; email them to:iraenewsletter@hotmail.com

Website: www.iraenewsletter.com


Banwari Sharma
Editor, IRA e-Newsletter